14 October, 2010

Medidrawer is the pharma shelve and hospitals' adjsutable draw

Medidrawer is the drawer for stocking medicines in prescription areas. It feature a lock In and lock Out position and flexible system of internal partitioning, with thin materials to leave more space for products. The same drawer mounts horizontal or inclined in any of the CAEM systems. Having one system for shopping and prescription area represent a strong advantage in terms of flexibility for the shop keeper.

1 comment:

Daniele said...

Personalmente, ritengo il settore sanitario et/o farmaceutico un segmento potenzialmente enorme, dal punto di vista del mercato.
L'idea di creare soluzioni ergonomiche rivolte ad agevolare il lavoro del professionista (e perchè no, quelle del paziente) in ambito sanitario è un mission fantastica.